
bouncin' all over the place....

So, Ive been bouncing all over the place the last few weeks, and here are a few of the results. Ive reorganized my portfolio and been adding as much stuff as I can for a new round of sending off apps and contact info to different peeps...


  1. I know my comment is about a month late but I thought I should critique all the same! I'll number them 1-3.

    1. I think the creature and the pose are good, but the composition is uninspiring for what this subject matter is. Throw in some diagonals, get a wider composition that doesn't perfectly frame everything like a family portrait, lose some of the limbs behind objects/the frame if you must but give it a sense of real scale and presence!

    2. The face in this one is interesting but the technique is a little weird, thought it could be worth pushing/investigating further. It's strange to see detail so fine as the texture of skin when the structure of the face is still depicted in lines.

    3.A solid concept, it explains itself thoroughly and describes everything well. Feels like it'd be right at home within a Blizzard canon, but I don't think it's really offering anything new. Muscley guys with hoods and masks happen all the time! Push the envelope! Huzzah!

  2. all good points!
    The first guys has gone onto the back burner for now, but i think i will eventually finish it. The second still feels really awkward because i was trying a lot of new things, mainly coming to grips with "soft" brushes which I am completly useless with right now, and for the third, he was a portfolio fluffer to expand what ive been told to do more of, which would be actual character designs and turnarounds that look like they've already been handed off. I do agree its a little bland, but I still need to pump out a couple more in similar fashion to fluff up my costume design portfolio. More along the Idea of a spelled out design to hand over to a modeler than a loose concept art...

    Also, sorry about not responding to it in such a long time, ive just been super busy getting all my ducks in a row out here...
