

- So I know that this is the same old crap that im usually up to, but they are done, (ish), and im trying to keep a semi regular posting schedule, plus, I fucking love drawing aliens. When I feel in a rut, and cant get myself invested in a piece, aliens are my good ol standby:)


  1. Sweet, one thing I would recommend is these seem really stiff, you could try loosening up a bit before hand, or drawing out some poses for the characters. I know this is a problem I struggle with as well.

    Sometimes it just takes some loosening up to start the creative juices again, just throw stuff around and change often, so much more fun and energizing that way. And keep a positive outlook on your work, you got skillzzz!

    1. I agree with Donal on the loose idea, and at the smae time, I know it can be a little iffy, especially if the work you're doing is supposed to be used as reference for modelling, not just suggesting an idea. This could be a subject to throw around in an open forum setting, perhaps while having a PAINT JAM!?!?! I'd be curious to hear other peoples' impressions of how they treat concept art differently depending on the circumstances!
