
More Dragons of Elanthia concept art

Here's some more, folks! Also, if you want to learn a thing or two about zbrush, check out this twitch tv channel that we started at work, my buddy Roder knows more about that program than anyone I know and he's been streaming his work and talking about it.



  1. man looks like some serious fun on this project. I really enjoy all the textures, fabrics, surfaces you include in your designs. Also the bold colors on the tribal/shaman stuff is so eye catching. Valkyrie static ball hand is a nice touch. How long did you work on this project? Do you have a mountain of hidden concepts? Because I would love to see all the concepts for this game.

    1. Hey thanks Dustin. I'm actually still working on the project, my job title started at Simutronics as "2D Artist" but that was with the knowledge that I was going to learn 3D and not just do concept art. So I actually ended up building the Valkyrie all the way from zbrush sculpt to in-game model. I should be able to share more as I go, they don't seem to mind, it's just a pain to put watermarks on sooo many images. :P
      As for how long I worked on it, I started on it like January 5th, and I'm still on it, doing concept art some weeks, modelling, UI and whatever else other weeks. It's a fairly small team so we aren't really afforded a full-time concept artist.

    2. Also, I really appreciate what you mentioned about the different materials in the concepts because since I've learned how to do 3D competently it's made me hyper aware of how many ways you add interest to a character, so I've been trying to take advantage of as much of it as I can, color, value, shape, material, pattern, texture...all that stuff. Concepting is so much harder than I used to think it was. :P

  2. great work, and yes it does look like this project was fun.

    1. Thanks Donal, yeah, the environment stuff has been particularly satisfying to me.
